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History of WP&YR

1962 Snow Blockade
– January 27th to February 3rd, 1962

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Saturday, January 27th, 1962

8:00 a.m. Weather Reports:Skagway 4 Below Overcast Strong north wind.
Glacier 20 Below Clear Strong north wind.
White Pass 20 Below Clear Strong north wind.
Fraser 26 Below Overcast Strong north wind.
Log Cabin 24 Below Bright Overcast Moderate north wind.
Bennett 23 Below Overcast Strong north wind.
Pennington 26 Below Overcast Stront north wind.
Carcross 30 Below Overcast Moderate north wind.
Cowley 30 Below Overcast Strong north wind. Whitehorse 25 Below Overcast Light north wind.

No. 2 departed Whitehorse at 8:35 a.m., arrived Log Cabin at 12:48 p.m. Instructed to remain at Log Cabin until Rotary Fleet arrived at Fraser. Crew put on release at 3:00 p.m.

Rotary #2 with Engines 70 and 71 departed Skagway Shops at 8:35 a.m., by White Pass at 10:52 a.m. At 1:00 p.m. brakeman Gordon advised that Engines 70 and 71 were back at White Pass for water and that Rotary was stuck in sag just north of Canadian Shed. Engines 70-71 departed White Pass for Rotary at 1:10 p.m. At 1:45 p.m. Engines 70 and 71 were back at White Pass, reported Rotary stuck again at Mile 21.5 and that Rotary was not steaming. Also Engine 70 had a bad order injector. Engines again returned to Rotary.

At 2:10 P.M. Rotary .Fleet back at White Pass. Instructed them to return to Glacier to pick up Rotary #1 and Engine 91 which were being dispatched from Skagway. Engines 91 and 92 with Rotary #1 departed Skagway Shops at 3:15 p.m., arrived Glacier 3:50 p.m. Engine 92 then· returned to Shops with Engine 70 and Rotary #2 in tow. Engines 91 and 71 with Rotary #1 departed Glacier at 4:30 p.m., passed White Pass at 5:01 p.m. At 6:55 p.m. Barry reported from MP 22 that Rotary fleet was stuck in snow at Mile 22.4 and low on water. Unable to move in either direction. Attempting to cut engines loose to plow back to White Pass.

No. 2’s crew off release at Log Cabin at 7:00 p.m., instructed to return to Bennett with two passenger equipment and engines, leaving balance of train on main track at Log Cabin. Departed Log Cabin at 7:20 p.m., arrived Bennett at 7:45 p.m. Crew tied up at 8:45 p.m.

At 8:30 p.m. Barry again phoned from MP 22, Rotary fleet completely stuck in snow at 22.4. Crew will keep steam engine and Rotary under steam by shovelling snow into tenders. Made appointment to talk to Barry at 4:30a.m.

Sunday. January 28th~ 1962

8:00 a.m. Weather Reports:
Skagway . 4 Below Strong North wind
Glacier 18 Below Light-north wind.
White Pass 20 Below Strong north wind.
Fraser 25 Below Strong north wind.
Log Cabin 22 Below Light north wind.
Bennett 20 Below Light north wind.
Cowley 20 Below Strong north wind, snowing.
Whitehorse 20 Below Strong north wind, snowing.

Five inches new snow in Skagway, with drifts up to 4 feet deep in most sections of the city. Twelve inches new snow at Glacier and White Pass.

Seven inches new snow at Fraser and Log Cabin. Eleven inches new snow at Bennett and Pennington. Water tank at Skagway Shops overflowed over main track and scale track, iced up to six inches deep in places for about 250 feet on main track.

7:30.a.m. Barry reports from MP 22, weather conditions same as last night. Snow fleet completely snowed in. Strong north wind. Seven-foot drifts straight across track entire distance from MP 22.4 to MP 22. Keeping Rotary and steam engine alive by shovelling snow into tenders. Food rations getting short. Sectionman Cresswell (who was on snow fleet) walking into White Pass for supplies. Barry returning to Rotary.

8:25 a.m. Cresswell arrived at White Pass. Reports 5 feet to 7 feet solid drifts across track from MP 22 to Canadian Shed. Twelve feet solid drift across track from Canadian Shed 4 to N. Switch White Pass Siding. Seven feet solid drifts along sidirig·to Boundary Shed. Very strong north wind and snowing.

9:16 a.m. Engines 92 and 90 departed Skagway Shops with Rotary #2 and flat car with cat blade. MPT aboard Engine 92.

9:20 a.m. Wally and Cresswell departed White Pass with food for rotary.

10:49 a.m.Rotary fleet #2 departed Glacier northbound.

10:55 a.m.P. Shiavo at Fraser reports his food supplies low. Gave him permission to use emergency in stock there.

10:30 a.m.Ordered Richter’s crew on duty at Bennett, instructed them to turn engines and return to Whitehorse with passenger equipment.

11:35 a.m.Rotary fleet back at Glacier. Had been to 18-A Bridge. Will pick up cat blade and return to cat at Mile 16.5 to put blade on and return to Glacier.

From 6 a.m. to 12 noon weather got increasingly worse at Skagway. Very strong north wind, estimated 35 to 50 mph, snowing with drifts continuing to increase.

12.25 p.m.Rotary #2 back at Glacier. Will have coffee and work north again.

12:55 p.m.Rotary #2 departed Glacier north to work for about an hour north of Tunnel then return to Glacier.

1:25 p.m. Conductor Pribbernow phoned from MP 2~. Reported J. Wally returning to White Pass. Says they have plenty of food for a day or two. Rotary has 3/4 tank of water, steam engine has 1/2 tank. Continuing to shovel snow into tenders. Instructed Pribbernow to have someone phone again about 4 or 4:30 p.m. 1:35 p.m. Extra 94 North departed Bennett for Whitehorse with two-passenger equipment.

1:45 p.m. Rotary #2 arrived at White Pass. Departed White Pass south to Mile 16.5, then to return to White Pass and work to Canadian Shed.

2:00 p.m. Wally back at White Pass.

2:35 p.m. Rotary #2 returned to White Pass from !6.5, and continued on north of White Pass.

4:55 p.m. MPT reports from White Pass, Rotary #2 back at White Pass, got as far as 22.4, brought part of Rotary #1 crew back to White Pass. One Engine on Rotary #2 has ground relays, and the other a broken train line; Rotary #2 has broken pocket. Will have to tie up at White Pass tonight.

5:20p.m. Cyr called from tunnel, unable to read him, tunnel phone out of order. Cyr will continue to Glacier. Cat is at 16.5 5:53p.m. Pilot Beitinger on Rotary #2 reports will be able to repair train line and pocket on Rotary #2 tender. Snow drifted behind Rotary #2 fleet; will not be able to back up.

5:55 p.m. Cyr reports from Glacier, cat is at Mile 16.5, blade is on and ready to work. Cyr will stand by phone for instructions.

6:10 p.m. Basaraba at Cowley reports seeing flare when driving north on Carcross Road; he marked out direction on road. R.C.M.P. notified by long distance telephone. See sheet this date.

6:45 p.m. MPT reports following crew stayed W.ith Rotary #1: Barry, True, L. Sullivan, Gordon, Sheleby, Barber. Following crew members returned to White Pass with Rotary #2: J. Lee, Pribbernow, Hoover, E. Selmer, Mason.

6:50 p.m. Pocket on Rotary tender repaired, Engine 90 still has bad coupler.

6:55 p.m. MPT instructed Cyr to leave Glacier at 4:30a.m., walk up to cat. Make one sweep to 18 A Bridge, and walk cat across 18 A Bridge then continue on to White Pass.

Crews are as follows:

  • Extra 94/93: Richter, Bigham, Hamme, Sheleby, Lingle
  • Rotary #1: J. Lee, Pribbernow, Gordon, Hoover, Barber, Mason
  • Engine 91: True, L. Sullivan
  • Engine 71: E. Selmer, R. Sheleby
  • Rotary #2: Beitinger, Nore, Blanchard, M.P. Taylor, Maki, J. Sullivan
  • Engine 92/90: M. Lee, Forney

Monday. January 29th. 1962

4:30 a.m. Paul Cyr and Gr. section men left Glacier for cat. Will call from Inspiration Point.

6:01 a.m. MPT ordered train dispatcher not td-{~sue any orders for work. Extra 92/90 at White Pass. Agreed to issue orders at 7:05 a.m.

7:00 a.m. Weather Reports:
Skagway 6 Above Overcast, strong north wind.
Glacier 8 Below Cloudy, snowing, light south wind.
White Pass 12 Below Cloudy, strong north wind.
Fraser 16 Below Overcast, light north wind.
Log Cabin 16 Below Broken Overcast, light north wind.
Bennett 15 Below Overcast, light snow, light north wind.
Pennington 18 Below Heavy overcast, snowing, light north wind.
Carcross 16 Below Overcast, light north wind.
Cowley 24 Below Cloudy, light north wind.
Whitehorse 22 Below Bright overcast, light north wind.

New Snow:
Skagway 3 inches
Glacier 5 inches
White Pass 30 inches
Fraser 30 inches
Log Cabin 10 inches
Bennett 10 inches
Pennington 14 inches
Carcross 10 inches
Cowley 2 inches
Whitehorse 2 inches

8:00a.m. Sectionman Young walked backed to Glacier reported cat not to Inspiration Point yet. Drifts 4 feet to 8 feet deep over both rails from 16.5 on up. Cat high centering on drifts, necessary to clear drifts with cat before moving. Wind at Inspiration Point approximately 40 mph from north. Estimates cat will arrive at 18 A Bridge approximately 4 hours.

8:45 a.m. Cyr phoned from Hannan Shed, bad drifts from 16.5 to Hannan Shed, clear rail at Hannan Shed, will continue on to 18 A Bridge.

11:00 a.m.Cat arrived at White Pass.

12:01 p.m.Cat left White Pass section house to free Rotary No. 2.

Situation at White Pass at 9:00 a.m.: Rotary #2 and two diesel engines on main track between north switch White Pass and Canadian Shed. Two diesel units separated, snow packed hard around all units. Broken. pocket on Rotary #2, broken train line on both diesel engines. Crews trying to dig them out.

2:57p.m. Rotary #2 unstuck. Will follow cat down hill and call from Glacier. 3:20 p.m. Cat departed White Pass south. Rotary #2 leaving White Pass and will follow cat when notified that cat is flear of American Shed, then will wait in American Shed until Cat is clear of 18 A Bridge.

4:35 p.m. Pribbernow reports Engine 90 stuck in snow 8 car lengths south of water tank. Rotary and Engine 92 in Boundary Shed.

5:20 p.m. Pribbernow reports Rotary #2 running out of water, will go down to Engine 90 and get cat to clear a trail from water tank to Boundary Shed so Rotary can get to water tank.

6:10p.m. Engine 90 free and is following cat up to Boundary Shed.

7:18 p.m. Cat widening cut to Boundary Shed. Engine 90 following and will couple into Engine 92 and Rotary, then go down to water tank.

8:15 p.m. MPT reports Rotary finished watering up and fleet back in Boundary Shed. 8:30p.m. Started to refuel Rotary #2 and Engines 92 and 90 from pipeline, White Pass.

10:15 p.m.Rotary fleet refueled and will plow out siding for about 8-10 carlengths. 10:36 p.m.J. Wally reports Rotary out of White Pass going north.

Tuesday. January 30th, 1962

At about 8:00 p.m. Monday January 29th, a warming trend started with the temperature rising from 4 below to 34 above zero by 8:00 a.m. Tuesday morning. About eight inches of wet, heavy snow fel 1′ …. -on Skagway during the night and turned to a freezing rain at about 7:30 a.m.

7:00 a.m. Weather Report:
Skagway 32 Above, Raining, calm, 7″ new snow.
Glacier 26 Above Snow, light rain, 5″ new snow.
White Pass 10 Above Snow, light south wind, 16″ new snow.
Fraser 10 Above Snow, light south wind, 18″ new snow.
Log Cabin 8 Above Snow, light south wind, 18″ new snow.
Bennett 6 Above Snow, calm, 7″ new snow.
Pennington 1 Above Snow, calm, 6″ new snow.
Carcross 6 Above Overcast, calm, 3″ new snow.
Cowley 0 Overcast, strong south wind, 4″ new snow.
Whitehorse 10 Above Overcast, light south wind, 2″ new snow.

12:14 a.m.Wally reports Rotary #2 has returned and is in Boundary Shed.

1:32 a.m. MPT reports Rotary back at White Pass with Rotary Caboose 907. Set out Rotary #2 on siding and returned to Rotary #1 with Engines 92 and 90. Snowing heavy at White Pass, has increased 2 or 3 inches since 10:30 p.m., January 29th.

2:45 a.m. J. D. True reports engines 71 and 91 at White Pass, Rotary #2 departed for Rotary #1 at Mile 22.4.

3:15 a.m. Rotary #2 back at White Pass, engines 92 and 90 returning to Mile 22.4 for Rotary #1.

4:20 a.m. MPT reports engines 92 and 90 back at White Pass with Rotary #1.

4:28 a.m. MPT reports Rotary #1 with Engine 71, Caboose 907 and Engine 90 will refuel at White Pass, then go to Fraser Loop. Rotary #2 with engines 92 and 91 will remain at White Pass. Engine 92 turbocharger acting up. Engine 91, has two traction motors cut out. Engine 90 has no drawbar on south end (front).

7:21 a.m. Rotary #1, engines 71 and 90 left White Pass for Fraser.

10:15 a.m.Rotary #1 arrived Fraser water tank. Will take water and start back for White Pass.

Crew at Whitehorse called for Bennett turn at 9:15 a.m., departed Whitehorse at 9:49a.m., arrived at Bennett at 1:10 p.m. At 2:10 p.m. advised that engines 94 and 93 stuck in snow on loop track.

11:07 a.m. Rotary departed Fraser Loop for White Pass.

11:35 a.m.Foreman Alter reports from Glacier slides as follows: Box Canyon 16′ deep, 150′ to 200 ‘ long. Between Box Canyon and MP 15, series of small sluffs. Curve north of MP 15- slide 12′ deep, 50′ long. South of IS shed – slide 10′ deep, 50’ long. Between 15 Shed and 15 C Bridge, 10 small snow sluffs. Mountain still working.

1:53 a.m. Rotary #1 arrived White Pass. Crew will eat and take fuel on Rotary #1.

12:10 p.m. Tank farm notified Rotary #1 ready to. take fuel – will start at 12:15 p.m. and take 1,000 gallons.

1:40 p.m. Cook at White Pass advises Rotary #2 derailed south of water tank.

2:05 p.m. M. lee reports that it is Rotary #1 which is derailed and is south of water tank. Both pair trucks on ground. Cat will clear snow to repare for rerailing. 2:05p.m. Engine on main track steaming water line at shops tank.

2:40 p.m. M. lee reports will take fuel on Engine 91 and Rotary #2: 900 gallons on Rotary #2 and 300 gallons on engine 91. Started at 2:40p.m.

4:15 p.m. Bennett reports Extra 94 North free at Bennett.

4:27 p.m. Extra 94 North left Bennett for Whitehorse, arrived Whitehorse 7:21 p.m.

4:40p.m. White Pass Weather: 30 Above, light north wind with light snow.

5:50 p.m. Wally reports from White Pass. Rotary left water tank southbound at 5:40 p.m.

6:48 p.m. Paul Cyr reports Rotary #2 back at White Pass.

6:51 p.m. MPT reports Rotary #1 stuck at North end of 18 A Bridge. Will take engines off Rotary #2 and go down to Rotary #1.

8:43 p.m. Marvin Taylor reports sluff came down at North end of 18-A Bridge hitting Rotary #1 and Engine 71. Engine 90 brought back to White Pass. Front truck Rotary #1 on ground, Engine 71 drivers on ground. Cat will go down and clean along sides. Will rerail Rotary and 71 in the morning. .~ – 13 – 9:00 p.m. Steam engine stopped steaming pipe at Shops Water Tank. Main track clear. 9:05p.m. Cat refueling at White Pass, will tak~ 40 gallons. 11:59 p.m. Weather Skagway 40 Above, rain and~~ight south wind. Streets very icy.

Wednesday, January 31st, 1962 7:00 a.m.

Weather Reports: Skagway 38 Above Overcast, light south wind. .. ‘
Glacier 32 II Overeast, strong south wind.
White Pass 22 II Broken overcast, light south wind.
Fraser 24 ” Broken overcast, light south wind.
Log Cabin 22 ” Clear, strong north wind.
Bennett 30 II Moderate south wind.
Pennington 26 II Clear, strong south wind.
Carcross 20 ” Broken overcast, light south wind.
Cowley 20 II Broken overcast, strong south wind.
Whitehorse 20 II Broken overcast, light south wind.

There was 18 inches new snow at Cowley overnight. Bad icing conditions over entire railroad. Heavy snow drifts in Skagway Shops area, especially around turnable pit and on loop track. Some roundhouse doors blocked by 3- or 4-foot drifts. Snow is very hard and in most warm weather has caused melting underneath and below temperatures at night have caused them to turn to solid ice. Shops water tank still frozen and thawing with steam engine.

6:38 a.m. Paul Cyr advises will take about 100 gallons fuel in cat at White Pass.

7:20 a.m. Paul Cyr taking cat down to steel Bridge 18 A.

7:30 a.m. Engine 92 departed White Pass for Rotary #1 and Engine 71 at north steel bridge to rerail Engine and Rotary. –

8:20 a.m. White Pass Engine 91 is inoperative and Engine 90 is having drawbar changed.

9:17 a.m. Steam engine on main track at Shops steaming Shops water tank.

9:30 a.m. E. Selmer and Bigham agreed to ext~nd bids until all crews back in town.

9:45 a.m. Hoyt ordered Government cat to be sent to Glacier to work on Box Canyon slide. Poe notified and will get Engine 72 hot.

10:50 a.m.Asked Beitinger at White Pass to send a man down to see how rerailing.

11:03 a.m.Beitinger at White Pass reports Rotary #I back at White Pass. Will take water and oil.

11:05 a.m.MPT reports from White Pass Engine 71 and Rotary #I rerailed. 12:01 p.m.Rotary #I departed White Pass southbound. 12:17 p.m.Rotary #2 departed White Pass southbound.

2:10p.m. MPT reports from Hannan Slide Shed that Rotary #1 is about halfway between Shed and Inspiration Point. Had been derailed again at South end 18 A Bridge.

4:59p.m. MPT reports from Hannan Slide Shed, Rotary #1 derailed again at MP 17, is now rerailed again and cat will operate ahead of Rotary to Inspiration Point.

5:15 p.m. Called crew for engine to take section and B & B men to Glacier to work on ice between Shops and Glacier. Red flag displayed at Glacier.

6:30 p.m. Hostler 0. Selmer reports Engine 72’s tender derailed on ice as was backing out of roundhouse.

7:07p.m. MPT r~ports Rotary #1 on ground again at Hannan Slide Shed, engines do not have power to rerail. Rotary #2 going back to White Pass. Gave instructions to send cat to Glacier from Skagway. Rotary #1 is • derailed 400 feet south of shack at~inspiration Point.

7:50 p.m. MPT reports will give up for night. Crews will go to Bennett, except for necessary engine watchmen, for a good night’s sleep and good meal. Bennett eating house and section forces notified.

8:05 p.m. Engine 72 rerailed at roundhouse. Will start making up train.

8:15 p.m. Rotary #2 departed White Pass for Bennett.

8:55 p.m. Extra 72 North departed Skagway Shops for Glacier with cat and combo.

11:15 p.m.Conductor Selmer on Extra 72 North reports Extra 72 North is derailed at north end of 5 A Bridge. Has been derailed twice since leaving Shops. Pony trucks are derailing account flangers not working.

11:20 p.m.MPT reports Rotary #2 is derailed just north of water tank at Fraser.

Thursday, February 1st, 1962

12:35 a.m.Rotary #2 rerailed at Fraser water tank and is leaving Fraser for Bennett.

12:35 a.m.Extra 72 South arrived Skagway Shops~ decided to tie up for night and start out again in a.m. Bad ice conditions between Shops and Clifton.

2:40 a.m. Rotary #2 arrived Log Cabin, will be necessary to take fuel.

4:00a.m. MPT reports from Log Cabin, having difficulty locating pipeline outlet at Log Cabin. Phoned Barry at White Pass for instructions.

4:30 a.m. MPT phoned from Log Cabin, found outlet, can’t find fitting to fit nozzle, tearing apart plumbing in Section house to get one.

6:00 a.m. Finished taking oil at Log Cabin.

6:14 a.m. Rotary #2 left Log Cabin for Bennett.

6:40 a.m. Barry and Cresswell left White Pass for Rotary derailment at Inspiration Point.

7:00 a.m. Weather Reports: Skagway 34 Above Overcast, strong south wind.
Glacier 24 II Overcast, strong south wind.
White Pass 20 II Snowfng, cloudy, light south wind.
Fraser 22 ” Heavy overcast, snowing, light north wind.
Bennett 27 ” Heavy overcast, strong south wind. Pennington 9 ” Heavy overcast, snowing heavy.
Carcross 10 ” Overcast, calm. Cowley 3 II Cloudy, calm.
Whitehorse 15 II Light south wind, overcast.

One inch new snow at Glacier at 7:00 a.m., intermittent snow all day. White Pass and Fraser had intermittent snow all day. T~tJO inches new snow. Pennington had six inches new snow at 7:00a.m., clearing later in the day. Skagway Shops area still has very bad ice conditions.

7:15 a.m. Rotary #2 arrived Bennett. Will tie up and sleep.

8:00 a.m. Richter’s crew on duty at Whitehorse to make trip to Bennett, instructed to take toothbrushes, toothpaste and cigarettes for other crews at Bennett.

8:00 a.m. Crew on duty in Skagway to take City cat and State cat to Glacier.

8:30 a.m. Cat started working at Inspiration Point clearing from around derailed Rotary.

9:28 a.m. Extra 94 South departed Whitehorse for Bennett.

10:15 a.m.Extra 70 North with cats departed Skagway Shops.

11:07 a.m.Poe advises that engine 72 is derailed at switch north of water spout at Shops.

11:25 a.m.Barry reports Rotary #1 has lots of water and fuel, is still derailed \ at Inspiration Point.

1:35 p.m. Portlock reports Engine 70 derafled by ice two times at North end 5 A Bridge, unloaded City cat and walking it ahead of train to break ice. Will reload if possible at north end of 7 Mile cut.

3:00 p.m. Rotary #2 with fresh engines and crew left Bennett southbound.

3:50 p.m. Rotary #2 at Log Cabin, will take fuel.

3:50 p.m. Extra 70 North arrived at Clifton. Reports ice conditions bad. Engine 70 only has 1/2 tank of water. Cat will continue walking ahead of train.

5.03 p.m. Rotary #2 departed Log Cabin.

6:45 p.m. Portlock reports Extra 70 North back at Clifton, ice conditions very bad. Unloaded both cats at Mile lO 1/2; they will continue walking towards Glacier. Engine 70 will return to Skagway Shops account low on fuel and water.

7:26 p.m. J C Hoyt reports from White Pass, Rotary #2 will take all 3 engines and plow out to Rotary #1, then return to White Pass. J. D. True will then take engine 71 to Bennett to turn it.

7:35 p.m. MPT reports Rotary #2 back at White Pass. Will eat and take fuel, then Engines 94/93 will go to Inspiration Point and try to rerail Rotary #1. –

7:40p.m. Extra 70 South arrived Shops from Clifton. Will tie up for night and start North again in morning. Extra 92 North left Bennett at 3:20 p.m., with Engines 92/90 and Beitinger’s crew, arrived Whitehorse at • 6:29 p.m.

8:45 p.m. Rotary #2 left White Pass for Inspiration Point.

8:50p.m. Extra 70 South arrived Shops from Clifton. Will tie up for night and start North again in morning. Extra 92 North left Bennett at 3:20 p.m., with Engines 92/90 and Beitinger’s crew, arrived Whitehorse at 6:29 p.m.

10:20 p.m.Cyr phoned from Mile 12.4. Cats making very slow progress due to snow and ice conditions. Approximately 7 feet snow and ice in Bulkhead. Says they are hungry. Sending Takak walking back to Glacier to pick up food and return it to them.

10:40 p.m. MPT reports from Inspiration Point, preparing to rerail Rotary #1. Instructed Pribbernow at White Pass to get J.D. True’s engine and start towards Inspiration Point with 0-6 cat.

11:30 p.m.Bigham reports Rotary #1 is now rerailed. Still waiting on cat from White Pass. Called White Pass, Klein is going to Boundary Shed to see what hold up is.

11:50 p.m.Pribbernow reports from White Pass, had trouble throwing south switch at White Pass. Engine 71 is leaving White Pass with cat for Inspiration Point.

Friday, February 2nd, 1962

12:25 a.m.Hamme reports from Inspiration Point, Rotary #1 rerailed and a11 engines and Rotary will return to Whi~e Pass as soon as cat arrives. Will take fuel again at White Pass.

12:55 a.m.Cyr and Kluting arrived Glacier-with TD-16 cat. Left 0-6 cat at Mile 12.2. Will bring it up early in morning. 1:10 a.m. MPT reports all engines and rotarys back at White Pass. Will take fuel – plan on starting southbound about 4:30 a.m.

6:00 a.m. Rotary #1 departed White Pass southbound.

6:50 a.m. Cyr & A. Hoyt left Glacier walking to 12.2 to get 0-6 Cat.

7:00 a.m. Weather Report:
Skagway 28 Above Light snow, strong south wind.
Glacier 18 Above Light snow, light south wind.
White Pass 18 Above Snowing, strong south wind.
Fraser 18 Above Heavy overcast, snowing, light south wind.
Log Cabin 18 Above Heavy overcast, snowing, light south wind.
Bennett 22 Above Broken overcast, light south wind.
Pennington 20 Above Clear, strong south wind.
Carcross 0 Above Overcast, calm. Cloudy, calm.
Cowley 10 Below Broken overcast, light south wind.
Whitehorse 8 Above

7:45 a.m. Paul Cyr left 12.2 with 0-6 Cat for Glacier.

7:50a.m. Pribbernow reports from Hannan Shed, 0-6 cat gone through Tunnel, Rotary #1 will return to White Pass for water and to clean out track.

8:50 a.m. Cyr with 0-6 cat arrived at Glacier, will fuel D-6 and T0-18 then start up to slide at Box Canyon. 9:15 a.m. Richter reports from White Pass Rotary #2 will go to Water Tank for water after Rotary #1 leaves, then come back up to Section House and take fuel. Rotary #2 will take 600 gallons, Engine 71 500 gallons, then back up and wait in Canadian Shed. Rotary #2 will keep White Pass yards cleaned out.

10:15 a.m.MPT reports from Tunnel, 0-8 and 0-6 cats at Tunnel with Rotary #1 right behind. Can see Engine 70 at M.P. 12, may be derailed. 10:35 a.m.MPT reports from Tunnel, both cats ready to cross 15 C Bridge.

10:38 a.m.Portlock reports from Mile 12.2, will not be able to continue north on Extra 70, account snow and ice. Advised Extra 70 North to return to Clifton. Section crews to work on ditches to stop ice.

10:45 a.m.Pribbernow ordered lunches at White Pass for cat operators, Rotary #1 will return to White Pass to eat about 11:30 a.m. and take lunches back to cat crews. 11:20 a.m.Rotary #1 back at White Pass to eat.

11:30 a.m.MPT reports from Tunnel, cat at ice at south end 15 C. Will wait at 15 C for Rotary #1.

11:59 a.m.Glacier reports cats working into Box Canyon slide, about 60 feet into slide now. About 110 feet to go. Cats are working in from south end.

12:01 p.m.JCH reports Rotary #1 leaving White Pass for 15 C Bridge. 1:05 p.m. Engine 70 will steam ice spots on way back to Shops.

2:27 p.m. Portlock reports from Mile 7, will steam at 6.8, then phone again from 7 Mile, will take about 1 hour. 3:30 p.m. Mrs. Alter from.Glacier reports, 3 c~ts in view on hill south of 15 Shed.

3:50p.m. Pribbernow reports from tunnel, Rotary came down to 15 A Bridge, will go back down to 15 Slide Shed. 4:05 p.m. Glacier reports Rotary #1 at 15 Shed. 4:05 p.m. Engine 70 arrived at shops.

4:50p.m. Alter reports cat back at Glacier from Box Canyon slide. Rotary #1 working on slide at 15 Shed. 5:30 p.m. MPT reports second cat back at Glacier. Rotary #1 through Box Canyon slide. Reports Rotary #1 derailed, location unknown. Is now rerailed. 6:10 p.m. Rotary #1 arrived Glacier.

6:25 p.m. Rotary #2 at White Pass advised to continue to Glacier.

6:59 p.m. Red Flag displayed at Glacier against Rotary #2. Rotary #1 leaving Glacier southbound. 7:10 p.m. Glacier reports Rotary #1 derailed at South Switch Glacier. A. Hoyt taking cat to south end.

7:20 p.m. MPT reports from Glacier, will be necessary to walk cats ahead of Rotary #1 from Glacier to MP 12 account ice conditions.

7:43 p.m. Rotary #2 arrived Glacier. Holding this train at Glacier until Rotary #1 gets rerailed and passes Clifton. Rotary rerailed and Cat running ahead of Rotary to MP 12.

11:15 p.m.Rotary #I at Clifton, will proceed to Shops. Rotary #2 released at Glacier.

11:50 p.m.Rotary #1 arrived at Shops and tied up

12:20 p.m. Rotary #2 arrived Shops and tied up.

12:20 a.m.All through run operations are cancelled for Saturday, February 3, 1962.

12:30 a.m.THIS IS THE END.